Can I Feed My Generator Engine With Oil While Running

Generators are a must-have item for homes and businesses and Florida. With Florida's unpredictable weather and violent storms, a generator can be key to keeping your home or business running and safe when the electricity fails. While you'll want them on-hand, generators aren't something that you are going to be using all the time, either. That's why it's important to know how to safely and correctly store your generator when it's not in use so it's ready to go the next time you need it.

Related Blog: Things to Consider When Buying a Generator

5 Steps to Store Your Generator

1. Check the Oil

If your generator doesn't have any leaks and is in good repair, it won't use too much oil. But before you put it into storage, you'll want to check and top up the oil levels. For most generators, this will only be a couple of teaspoons. You can use regular engine oil. If you aren't sure how to check your oil levels, refer to your owner's manual or ask a member of our team.

2. Empty the Gas (Or Stabilize It)

Ideally, you'll run the generator out of gas before you put it into storage. You don't want to store your generator with a tank full of flammable gasoline in it. That's a major fire hazard, but that's not the only issue. Untreated fuel can go bad when exposed to the elements, so it may not power the generator when you need to use it next.

The gasoline can also do a lot of damage to various parts of the generator while it's in storage. So leaving untreated fuel in the generator isn't really an option.

If you can't run the tank to empty, then you'll want to add a fuel stabilizer to a full tank of gas in the generator. Run the engine for a minute to fully distribute the stabilizer throughout the system. The fuel stabilizer will help prevent the gas from absorbing moisture and going bad in the tank. It will also prevent the gasoline from eroding various rubber and plastic parts in your generator. That way it should start right up the next time you need it, and with a full tank of fuel, no less.

3. Check for Damaged Components

Before you put the generator away, make sure you do a thorough inspection of it. Look for any parts that appear damaged or are starting to show signs of wear and tear and replace them. If you neglect to replace these parts, the damage could become much worse while the generator is in storage. Parts you should check include:

  • Hoses
  • Fuel tank
  • Spark arrest
  • Switches
  • Wheels
  • Handles

4. Perform Annual Maintenance

Generators are a pretty low-maintenance item, but a little annual maintenance will go a long way towards their longevity. Make the start of hurricane season the time you do this annual maintenance so you don't run into any issues when a storm is blowing in. The two things you'll need to do are:

  • Replace the spark plug
  • Replace the air filter

Both of these tasks are straightforward enough and your owner's manual should have instructions. If you have questions, though, our team can help you with the process.

5. Clean Off Dirt and Debris

Finally, you'll want to give your generator a wipe down before you put it away. Remove any spilled oil or fuel from the surface and clean off any debris from the exterior of the generator. Dirt and debris left on the generator can eat away at seals and switches. A simple wipe down with a rag will do the trick.

Have Questions About Your Generator?

Mader Electric, Inc. is here to help. Not only do we offer a great selection of generators for home and business use, but we also offer generator repair. We're happy to help you find the right generator for your needs or get your old one working again, as good as new. Get in touch with our team today to get answers to your generator questions. We'll help you keep your home or business safely powered during the next big Florida storm.

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