Funny or Die Kristen Stewart Do You Have a Favorite Boob

Before becoming the hot teen icon in her most famous role in the Twilight Saga, Kristen Stewart's first breakthrough happened in the acclaimed film, Panic Room.

Kristen Jaymes Stewart is born with both parents involved in show business, which is also the reason for her early involvement in Hollywood.

3 Body Language Tips to Make Her Crave You

A Christmas play became her ticket to a TV appearance when a talent agent was amazed by her performance. In 1999, she got in Disney's The Thirteenth Year's cast.

In 2001, she appeared in The Safety of Objects, yet her first significant role is yet to come in the next year. In Panic Room, Stewart was alongside acting veterans, including Jared Leto, Jodie Foster, and Forest Whitaker. Her performance is highly praised by many critics who also helped the film's blockbuster earnings, totaling to $95 million.

Stewart's next project is 2003's Cold Creek Manor. The film received heavy criticism, especially on its plot, although Stewart's and the other casts' performance and execution received praise.

In the following year, she agreed to be in two more films, Catch That Kid and Undertow. Both didn't perform well on the box office, and the results are similar to Cold Creek Manor.

Stewart's acting capabilities are put to the test when she got the leading role in Speak, a 2005 Showtime special about a sexual-assaulted teenager who never spoke again after the incident.

2006 was almost a dry year for Stewart, with most of her film's performing low to decent. Into the Wild, however, will change this state. The 2007 film gained critical praise from audiences and professional reviewers alike, which is the main reason for Stewart's comeback in the mainstream Hollywood scene.

The year 2008 is Stewart's biggest year, starting with a role in What Just Happened?, a satire film with Robert De Niro. She also got the primary character for the Twilight Saga, the movie which dominated the teen demographic in the early 2010s.

The first installment's popularity is off the charts that it outshined most of Stewart's next movie appearances, including 2009's Adventureland and Welcome to the Rileys.

In the same year, the next film for the Twilight saga, New Moon, went to cinemas, which she showcased more of her sexy side. The Twilight Saga concluded in 2012 with every film performing impressively in the box office.

Right after Twilight's conclusion, Stewart continued to work and starred in Snow White and the Huntsman together with Chris Hemsworth.

After the film, she made more appearances, mostly in movies, which allowed us to have more look at her ass. Her well-maintained body, including her most prominent feature, boobs, is seen on her 2019 film, a reboot of the classic Charlie's Angels. Kristen Stewart never fails to impress everyone with her bikini photos, which you can find in our collection.

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